Thursday, 5 June 2014

Mobility without compromise,

The word “Mobility” is a bit of a buzz word these days.

Why ?

Because we can and do more on the move.

Work used to be focused around the office, that’s where we did the work.

Today we can work from almost anywhere and you may find yourself doing exactly that.

So with everyone who works in an office they are likely to have two numbers : An office extension and a mobile number.  This also leaves you with two voicemail boxes and probably multiple email accounts.

Business today operates 10 x faster than it used too and with internet on our smartphones this is just the beginning.

At Connect-it we understand these challenges that mobility brings.  We have experience in enabling simple and affordable solutions that give your staff a landline and mobile solution to ensure they are connected at all times and never miss a call.

How ?

This can all be achieved with a Single Cost Per User Per Month that is likely to be more Cost Effective  than your current set up today.

Would you like to know more?

Give one of our team a call on 08456 885112 or email at and experience a friendly and professional  conversation

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