Saturday, 24 May 2014

The Cost of a Missed Call

The cost of a missed call could be nothing, equally, it could be huge.

It may have been a cold caller, it may have been a customer or it just may have been a prospect.

Either way missing that call is never good.  They may  leave a voicemail, they may not.
The question is:

Can you afford to take that risk in your business?

Do your communication systems internal and mobile have the ability to ensure that you never miss a call and that someone always answers?

Business is hard enough today and with the recent statistic that 70% of buying decisions are made BEFORE the prospect picks up the phone, Can you REALLY afford to miss that call?

It may be the case that a new system with us could mean spending less than you do today?

Fancy giving us that challenge?

Drop us a line at

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