Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Who doesn’t like saving money!

Silly question right? Of course we like saving money. The question is always : How much money can we save?

I decided to blog about this after seeing a recent customer saving that the guys at the office showed me.

The client in question had 15 company mobile phones and some broadband dongles.
They were spending a reasonable amount of money each month and had data allowances of 1GB per handset.
After the team completed a review they were able to save them over £11k over 24 months! Let me repeat that: over Eleven thousand pounds over 2 years! That’s incredible and yet there is more!

They were also able to get new handsets and increase their data allowance from 1GB a month to 8GB.

Again, let me repeat that, from one to eight GB of data a month.

Now I am not suggesting that this could be the case for everyone. But we are very confident we can save you money and or give you more for your money.

How do we do this?

We are an independent and work with all the major UK mobile networks.  By being independent this ensures we will always find the best deal for you.

Now this maybe with your current network or an alternative the important point is getting the right service and package for you.

So, how would you like to save some money on your mobile phone bills?

All you need to do to start with is drop us an email at info@connect-it.co and one of the team will be happy to help.

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