Thursday, 10 July 2014

Lose your phone or your wallet?

A recent study stated that 70% of people would rather lose their wallet than their mobile phone.

It’s no surprise really; just think how dependent we have become on our mobiles and not just for making and receiving calls.

Email and mobile banking are great but people are now using their mobile for the majority of their browsing on the internet now.

We are also spending more and more money on them and using more and more data than ever before.

So with all this is mind it’s essential you get the right deal for your company regardless of the size.

A few things to consider when renewing or getting a new deal:
  • The right handset, take your time and get advice.
  • The right coverage, get it checked to ensure the best possible reception.
  • Best value for money as a collective. Talk to a specialist and see if a deal can be done to get the RIGHT package and the BEST possible price.
You may well be on the best deal but it wont hurt to check that out with our client services team.

Give them a call today on: 08456 885122

Working from home

It seems to be all the rage these days the ability to work from home.

With the world cup coming to a close but the summer approaching us fast it’s very easy to see the appeal of working at home eh!

But there is another reason to consider. For the parents among us the summer holidays can bring both thoughts of delight and also possible headaches.

Getting child care cover is not always that easy and there is always work to be done over the holidays.

This is where a good communications plan really pays dividends.

With the right phone system you can work as if you were in the office. Imagine your desk-phone at home that acts just as if your were in the office no different. Imagine if you could take that phone on holiday or even have your mobile phone have the ability to act like your desk phone?

All of this is possible and so so much more.

To find out more simple give one of the team a call on 08456 885 122